Translation Services for the Manufacturing Industry

Market your products and services accurately and precisely to

a global audience.

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Home About Us Partnerships Manufacturing
  • ISO 9001 and 17100 certified

  • 100+ file formats

  • Custom project workflows

  • Technological expertise

Accurate translation and localisation of technical and operational documentation, manuals and certifications

Wordminds accurate translation and localisation of technical and operational documentation manuals and certifications 2

For manufacturers operating across global borders, ensuring the quality and precision of translated technical content is vital in maintaining high standards of safety, efficiency and compliance. This requires native-level language proficiency paired with enterprise-grade project management and quality assurance processes.

Wordminds achieves this by assembling custom project teams for each client request, comprising linguists with specific subject matter expertise and experienced quality assurance staff led by dedicated project managers.

We deploy computer assisted translation and technology tools including MT (Machine Translation) and ML (Machine Learning), create client and brand-specific terminology databases and use automated review software to deliver large scale projects on-time with the highest standards of accuracy.

Provision for a wide range of document types, formats and outputs

From marketing, to production, to support, we’ll unite each element of your content strategy.

Technical Documentation

Production Software

Blueprints and Drawings

Marketing Collateral

Educational Materials

Multimedia Assets


Legal and Compliance

Translation services which sync with your workflows

  • Best-in-class software to minimise lead times

  • Real-time reporting on project milestones

  • Batch translation to reduce total costs

  • Intelligent scheduling to fast track priority items

Why clients choose Wordminds

Expert, qualified language professionals

Meticulous quality assurance

Strict adherence to deadlines

Agile methodology

Extensive project capacity

Private client portal

Planning your next translation project?