Dedicated Language Services for Healthcare and Medical Fields

Specialist translation and localisation performed by expert linguists with background in the healthcare and medical fields.

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Home Industries Healthcare & Wellness
  • ISO 9001 and 17100 certified

  • Healthcare translation specialists

  • Stringent certified QA process

  • Secure client portal

Precise and consistent translations of complex medical terminology

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Complex medical translations demand rigorous standards of accuracy, whether we’re working with consultation transcripts, dosage instructions, doctors’ reports or diagnostic manuals. To ensure that each translation communicates the intended meaning precisely, we employ specialist linguists with experience in the healthcare sector, alongside their native language capability, to ensure that industry specific terminology is understood and that the output meets regulatory requirements in the target market.

Our teams compile comprehensive glossaries to ensure consistency across translation professionals, and we use computer assisted translation tools to handle basic administration tasks and detect common errors, which speeds up the process and controls costs. Every item of content is given a final review by our experienced quality assurance staff to guarantee the accuracy and quality of the translation.

Expert language services across key healthcare verticals

We ensure that healthcare documentation and content meets strict regulatory standards and provides an accurate record of the original sense and meaning.

Medical Regulatory Documentation

Medical Device Documentation

Healthcare Documentation


Marketing Collateral



Training Materials

Implement localised communication as part of a global approach

  • Best-in-class software to minimise lead times

  • Real-time reporting on project milestones

  • Batch translation to reduce total costs

  • Intelligent scheduling to fast track priority items

Why clients choose Wordminds

Expert, qualified language professionals

Meticulous quality assurance

Strict adherence to deadlines

Agile, flexible tech expertise

Extensive project capacity

Private client portal

Do you have a healthcare translation project on hand?