Spanish to English translation services
Spanish is one of the most beautiful languages in the world, spoken in several countries in Europe, South America, and Africa. Spanish is slightly different from other main European languages such as English, French, and German because there are a lot of dialects that are being spoken in different regions. Hence, the same Spanish word can have different meanings according to the context its being used and the region where it’s being spoken. Therefore it’s a challenging task to translate Spanish to English.
There are several dictionaries that help you translate Spanish to English, however, there is a major limitation among most of them. They don’t take into consideration, the variety and flexibility of most common Spanish words, throughout Spain and Latin American countries. Dialects of Spanish greatly vary between continents as well. For example, consider the following word:
- apricot (English)
- albaricoque (most common Spanish word)
- damasco (in Argentina, Chile, Uruguay)
- chabacano (in Mexico)
Another example would be the word:
- bug (English)
- bicho (most common Spanish word)
- insecto (in Mexico)
It’s more meaningful and accurate in Spanish to English translation, if you translate the meaning, rather than the word. For example, the most exact English meaning of the Spanish word obtener is ‘to obtain’. However, it’s more practical to translate this as ‘to get’, instead of ‘to obtain’.
Due to the amount of locality and customization, Spanish to English translation involves a lot of complexities. Therefore, in order to obtain a quality and accurate translation, it’s always advisable to work with a professional translator. Spanish to English translation services are offered by various companies. These businesses work with qualified and expert translators who accurately translate Spanish to English. Translation services are widely used by diplomatic and corporate entities.
Being able to translate Spanish to English is extremely useful if you are a Spanish tourist guide, taking tourists to most rural parts of the Spanish speaking countries, especially Latin America. Here, the English speaking population is very limited, therefore in order to make it a fruitful visit for your tourists, knowing Spanish and English fairly well would be an advantage.
About Wordminds
Wordminds is a close-knit team of language experts – professional translators, project managers, localisation engineers and business visionaries who work closely with global clients, helping them connect with their international audience. Wordminds works with over 3,000 language specialists and subject-matter experts to enable companies to overcome cultural and language barriers, helping them build trust and create long-lasting business and human relationships. Fully certified under ISO 9001 and ISO 17100, the company believes in continuous improvement and so stands at the forefront of new language-technology implementation, smart collaboration and excellent customer service. Find out more about Wordminds.
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