
7 things your localisation services team must do

You may be keen to get your localisation projects off the ground, but before you do, you need to carefully assess the situation and ensure your localization team can do these 7 things in order to increase productivity and localization services.

1. Localization services must keep human error down

When you have a diverse localization services team working in different time zones, there’s loads of room for human error. Ensure your localization team has appropriate filters in place to keep human error right down. Make sure they have access to solid translation management software that will automate the process as much as possible to help eliminate possible errors.

2. Localization services and easy collaboration

Everyone on the team should be able to work together in harmony. Your localization services team may be based all around the world, but if they cannot communicate and collaborate, the project is not going to be a success. Effective translation management software (CMS) along with an LSP who boasts a well-oiled team can help ensure collaboration.

3. Localization services should translate onto a website

If your translators know how to translate directly onto websites, your entire team can save a great deal of hassle and time. No more having to receive strings with no context or tone of documents, or even guess where words need to go. Best of all, clients can see words as they go up, and the entire project can move quicker and smoother. After all, when it comes to localization services, the right automation and translation CMS system will help the team effectively manage projects and reduce human error, while significantly increasing productivity.

4. Work without supervision

Localization projects do require a great deal of coordination, so you need team members who can happily work with limited supervision. Go through your translation management software to ensure that your team members are on the same page, they know how much workflow to expect each day, and that they can complete the tasks assigned to them. A good program will also enable their localization services to be tracked and progressed. When you optimize your team’s workflow, life will be much easier, and you can keep clients in the loop at all times.

5. Recall project data immediately

As you start rolling out localization services, you will realize just how much work there is to do, and that means you risk becoming disorganized quickly. As you build up more clients, so the workload will increase, and you will need to make edits to projects, or you may be asked to recall a localization project.

If the localization team doesn’t have the ability to recall such data right away, it’s going to take forever. Make sure your translation management software has a built-in search function so you can pull up data as and when you need it and that your team has access to the search function.

6. Localization services should be quick about taking orders

If you want to make more revenue on localization projects, you need to simplify the order process, especially for repeat orders. Give your localization team the ability to interact with third parties effortlessly, and ensure they can manage everything from beginning to end within one platform.

7. Control access

Getting the entire team on the same platform to work in harmony should be the goal. But, you may not want each member of the team to see everything. Allow the team the ability to control who sees what by making use of permission management.


Once you allow your localization team access to the best tools and software for localization services, you’ll realize they can work in perfect harmony, keeping human error at a minimum and significantly increasing productivity, while enhancing collaboration and affording the team the ability to work well without supervision.

Getting it all right is about making sure your team can work together for maximum productivity.

About Wordminds

Wordminds is a close-knit team of language experts – professional translators, project managers, localisation engineers and business visionaries who work closely with global clients, helping them connect with their international audience. Wordminds works with over 3,000 language specialists and subject-matter experts to enable companies to overcome cultural and language barriers, helping them build trust and create long-lasting business and human relationships. Fully certified under ISO 9001 and ISO 17100, the company believes in continuous improvement and so stands at the forefront of new language-technology implementation, smart collaboration and excellent customer service. Find out more about Wordminds.

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