
4 tips on how to select a professional translation company

Choosing a professional translation company is a daunting decision and one you want to get right. The right company will help your business communicate clearly in a variety of languages. Choose the wrong company, and you could face several consequences from lost customers to embarrassment. Consider these 4 things before choosing your translation service provider.

1. What are the Translators Like?

Translators can vary widely. You need to feel comfortable with both the company and the translators. You need to feel confident that your project will be handled by someone with relevant expertise on both the subject matter and general translation.

If a professional translation company tends to handle most of their work in-house, will they be able to meet both your deadline and your requirements? Ideally, you want to select a company that matches qualified translators with experts in your field to work together on your project.

2. What is the Company’s Reputation and Experience? (testimonials, references, and case studies)

While it’s great to support new and small businesses, using a professional translation company that is well-established with many years of experience can offer several levels of security. Different industries all have their own translation terminology and requirements, so besides looking for an experienced company, you want to find one that is familiar with your industry. For instance, legal translation and engineering translation are specialized areas that require subject expertise in addition to fluency in different languages.

You want to find a translation service provider that is not only experienced but also has an excellent reputation for excellent customer service and integrity. The translation provider you choose needs to open to providing you testimonials, references, and case studies from previous clients so that you can determine whether it’s the right company for you.

3. Do the Translators Sign Non-Disclosure Agreements?

Before you allow a company to access your confidential materials, it’s okay to ask them to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA). Find out if the company you plan to choose requires all their staff to sign NDAs for their translation services. You can ask the company to confirm which documents have been signed or you could even ask to see the appropriate documents to confirm that they have been signed. It’s also okay to ask the company and their translators to sign your NDA before working with them.

4. What is the Quality Control Process?

Even the slightest translation error can leave your business looking like an amateur. Even worse, it could render you non-compliant with the regulations that govern your industry. Before choosing a professional translation company, find out what their certifications and quality control procedures are. A professional business will be able to explain the methods they use to make sure you get the translation you want, and that is free of errors, accurate, and easy for the target audience to understand. Finally, ask if they offer any guarantees, text revision, money back guarantee, etc.

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