
Translation vs. Localisation: Finding the one that fits your business

As your business expands into the international markets, you may have a need to translate information for your vast array of customers. Translation offers you the ability to convey your company’s message so no matter where your clients are located they can understand what you are trying to say. While translation can certainly provide information in any language, what you really need to get in front of your client base is a localised message.

The difference between localisation and translation

Is there even a difference between translation and localisation? There certainly is, and the variances between the two can make a difference in how well your message comes across and how well your customer understands it.

With translation, your product or service information is translated into the main language of your customer. It will read exactly as you intended it to come across to your client. However, this can cause some issues when you are looking to reach customers in certain locales. In these instances, localisation is a better fit.

With localisation, you can reach your client with your company’s message in a more engaging way. For example, you wouldn’t want to use proper French to reach French Canadians that have several differences and nuances in the French language that they speak. Nor would you want to have your company’s information translated into European Spanish to reach people in Mexico, Argentina, or the Dominican Republic as they each speak a different dialect.

The effectiveness of localisation

There are many regional dialects to consider when you are looking to have translation services that reach a variety of customers. Through localisation gives you translated materials that are specific to the region and the person you are trying to connect your company’s products and services with.

The information that you have localised is easier to read, understand, and use for your customers. Localised content gives you the ability to create a very specific message that considers the special language variations that each region speaks whether it be French, Spanish, or another language.

With localisation, you eliminate the chance of offending a customer with a translation that may read perfectly in one area of the world but has another meaning somewhere else. Localisation makes sure to take the regional language nuances and incorporate them as necessary to create a translated document that is personalized for your customer base. Learn more on how you can choose a good localisation partner.

Choosing localisation or translation

Now, this does not mean that translation is not a good approach in some instances. Translation can provide a very effective mean to target a wide customer base with one language offering. For example, if you are looking to introduce a product or service that is ideal for French customers, no matter where they are located, you may want to have a straight French translation of your information. This will allow you to hit a wide range of French-speaking customers that will most likely relate to your message and understand what you have to say.

The main difference between translation and localisation is how specific you want your message to be to a customer group. If you are working with one distinct region of the world, of course, you want to create a message that is specifically customized to them. For a wider reach with your information, you may turn to translation to cover all French-speaking customers in a one-shot approach to your company’s strategy.

Choosing localisation does offer you a more targeted reach with your customers, but translation can also be an effective way to get in front of your customers. Translation does take a dedicated touch to develop information that provides a strong translation of your message that can appeal to a large customer group.

Translation is also a more efficient way to convert your information if you are under budget restrictions. The localisation of large amounts of information may take more funds, but in the end, the results are more direct and can yield you better results.

As you look to translate your company’s documents, keep localisation in mind as a better way to get in front of your customers with a message that is created just for them.

When you need translation or localisation of your company’s message, contact Wordminds. We have a team of translation and localisation experts ready to assist you.

About Wordminds

Wordminds is a close-knit team of language experts – professional translators, project managers, localisation engineers and business visionaries who work closely with global clients, helping them connect with their international audience. Wordminds works with over 3,000 language specialists and subject-matter experts to enable companies to overcome cultural and language barriers, helping them build trust and create long-lasting business and human relationships. Fully certified under ISO 9001 and ISO 17100, the company believes in continuous improvement and so stands at the forefront of new language-technology implementation, smart collaboration and excellent customer service. Find out more about Wordminds.

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